
This blog is not affiliated with The William Glasser Institute. The author of this blog is certificated by The William Glasser Institute, but does not actively produce content for this blog any more. The author now writes content for Human's Lib.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Why Are People Like Sheep?

Penn and Teller point out (in the video below) the reality of the cult of personality and the fickle nature of humans desiring to be a part of a "Cause" for which they must stand up and defend. This simply validates Dr. Glasser's ideas on The Identity Society.

The Identity Society
Dr. William Glasser says we are an "Identity Society." We constantly strive to conform to the identity of ourselves which we have created in our own minds, in our "Quality World". We tend to see ourselves the way we wish to be (we're very optimistic), and not necessarily the way we truly are. We see ourselves the way we want others to see us, and when that reality and our own self-identity are in agreement (or close to agreement), then we are pretty happy.

But what about when our self-created identity and other people's perceptions of us are in conflict? We tend to all follow one of a few established behavioral patterns:

  • We change our behaviors.
  • We change our friends.
  • We change our self-identity.
More about each of these choices in another post...

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