
This blog is not affiliated with The William Glasser Institute. The author of this blog is certificated by The William Glasser Institute, but does not actively produce content for this blog any more. The author now writes content for Human's Lib.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Control Theory Manager Review: Part Two - Control Theory

In part one of my review of Dr. Glasser's book The Control Theory Manager, I reviewed part one of the book, Managing For Quality (four chapters). In this post I will review part two of the book entitle Control (Choice) Theory. It must be noted that when Dr. Glasser originally wrote the book he had called his cognitive behavioral psychology theory "Control Theory". He has since changed that name to "Choice Theory", which seems to me a more appropriate title and euphemism for the new millennium.

The second part of Glasser's book The Control Theory Manager is a very concise overview of Dr. Glasser's cognitive behavioral psychology theory: Choice Theory. I don't believe I've ever read a more concise explanation of this theory than in these four chapters. For those new to this theory, it is an easy way to slowly ease into this new way of thinking about human behavior. For those veteran's of Glasser's theories, it is an interesting review because of how Glasser ties Choice Theory into its specific applications in the life of a manager / supervisor.

I've read many books and articles by Dr. Glasser and his close associates. Most of this body of work revolves around the fields of psychology / counseling and school teaching. In this book, Glasser ties all his theories into the practice for those who are not professional counselors or school teachers. Specifically he teaches how understanding Choice Theory, for managers, is the key to creating the conditions for a quality work place, and for quality work to be done by the workers. The overview of Choice Theory found in part two of this book is both brief and refreshing.

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